What We Do?

We are dedicated to promoting and enhancing sound labour relations in the labour market in Tanzania.

Labour Compliance

Compliance assessment, policies design and registration to various authorities.

Labour Education Programs

Articles, guideline books, case law database, online training, workshop, office Visitation.

Labour Consultancy

Verbal advice, written opinions, labour dispute assessment and advice, disciplinary procedures.

Labour Representation

Labour offices, Commission for Mediation and Arbitration, Labour Court and Court of Appeal of Tanzania.

Retainer Package

Our resourceful expertise becomes part of your business running all the affairs of labour and Human Resource Management. In this service, a client receives all the above-mentioned services as per terms of the retainer agreement paid on a monthly or annually basis


Find us at the office

15th-floor RITA Tower
Plot No.727/11
Makunganya/Simu Street
Dar Es Salaam

Give us a ring

Tanzania Labour Guide

+255766 484 833

+255 684 839 750

Mon - Fri, 8:00-16:00

Contact Us